Shower Power

What is Shower Power?


The act of masturbating in the shower.

I hear he does shower power every day.

See masturbating, shower, power, hot, steam


The ability to do something because you are in the shower which you would normally be prohibited from doing thanks to social standards.

Joe: "gah, I really need to blow my nose."

Joe in shower: *blows nose and does not need a tissue* "man, what a great shower power"

See nose, shower, hygene, yum, booty


the act of hard passionate penertration within a hot shower

wana come round for some shower power


when someone feels the need to sing as loud as they can while in the shower

*guy* oh my god my neighbor is so annoying when they take showers.

*guy's friend* why?

*guy* they get shower power

See shower, power, singing, loud, annoying


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