
What is Shrooms?


Hallucinogenic mushrooms contain psilcybin, psilocin, and baeocystin. Shrooms are incredible and nearly non-toxic too. By incredible I mean it can be the best experience of your life or the worst experience of your life depending on the mood at the time, setting, and who you are with. A good trip can be a learning expeience and lead to extremely thoughtful introspection. A bad trip is as bad as watching your whole family die in a car accident or you can end up being as paranoid as if you were being chased by a guy with a chainsaw in a maze. Seriously, it is incredible. Do not trip right after a bad experience or if you have alot of unpleasant thoughts going through your head at the time. Go into the trip optimistic and usually it will go good, though it is pretty unpredictable. Mild dose effects are colors seem alot more vibrant (blue seeming bluer, black seeming blacker), patterns seem more interesting and intricate, an undescrible feeling of an oncoming mental revelation, giddiness or anxiety. Higher dose effects include extreme laughter, uncontrollable racing thoughts, colors changing and a feeling that each and every color gives a certain tone to your inner most being (hard to explain unless you've tried them), distortions of all senses, hyper awareness of taste, smell, music (listen to your favorite band), pictures coming to life and everything becoming three dimensional, or may cause extreme paranoia and/or uncontrollable crying. Also, the beshroomed will have a totally undescribable yet very significant feeling that he/she has attained knowledge that they can not and will not ever lose, just to be a memory the next day. Dosages break down like this: 20-30 grams of wet shrooms is enough to have a good trip. 50 grams is nick-named the "Hero trip". Dried shrooms is 1/10 the weight of wet shrooms, so 2-3 grams of dried shrooms is a pretty good trip while 5 grams is the "Hero trip". Anything more and your in for a crazy time. Trip with a trusted friend!

Shrooms are the flesh of the gods.


An enjoyable drug that makes things hilarious and makes people's faces do crazy things. Listen to Frank Zappa.

When I did mushrooms, the corner of the room started to stretch into a point of infinity like taffy. Then we listened to Frank Zappa's version of Purple Haze and I laughed until I nearly pissed myself. My friends faces did weird things and I picked up this tortilla chip, looked at it, and said "swaddling clothes." Then we were smoking outside and my friend lunged at me from 10 feet away and burned me with a cigarette and broke his hand on a pickle jar. Then we played with the drum machine. That was my experience on mushrooms.


something that God put on this world to open up a mental gateway and help us better understand what the real purpose and meaning of life is, but is used by few due to the fact that the fuckin government makes it out to be a bad thing and therefore illegalized it

adam and eve probably first discovered God after eating the shrooms he conveniently placed in the garden. what the fuck does that tell you??

See drug, illegal, mushrooms, magic mushrooms, narcotic


They are a type of hallucinogenic mushrooms. You can find Psilocybe and Panaeolus species. Shrooms can be either eaten or smoked but the effects are higher and come to you faster if you eat them. Most people say they aren't worth the money but you're first time is one hell of a trip.

Once when I did shrooms I took a look into the mirror and my face looked like it was peeling off but none of my friends would take me to the hospital because they didn't believe me. Ain't that sum shit


A form of mushrooms that you eat or smoke, oh ya, they make you trip out like mad, and they make you at people in a whole different way.

Me and my friends did shrooms for the first by chopping them up very finely and putting them in yougurt. Then we waited in my friedns basement until it kicked in, and when it did we were hitting eachother and going crazy on MSN. I broke my friends glasses by falling on them. Then we stared at the ceiling for 20 minutes watching it morph and change. Then my friedns brother came home and yelled at me to keep my voice down, and he wondered if we were on acid. He told us to go outside and explore, we did and it was amazing, everything was colourful and crazy, we found our way to the local pool, we went into the washroom and pee'd all over the walls. Next we went to the mall to get the great "WOW" feeling, i saw some guy and he look like a turtle. We traveled through the streets and took off our shoes, luckily one of my friends wasnt on shrooms so he made sure we didnt forget them, in the end we had walked about 6 km across the city.

In the end the moral of our adventure is that people are very werid.


a very great drug. especially psilocybes. most people think they taste like shit, but i like the taste. they can be smoked, but i don't recommend it. the effects are MUCH stronger when you just eat th things. there's many types of mushrooms that make you trip, but aminitas(which are legal) and psilocybes are the most well known. careful with aminitas tho, they contain muscarine, which is poisonous if too much is taken. for some good info visit erowid or leda.lycaeum

Megan: he has celtic knot eyes(refering to me)

Me: i wish i could see myself cuz everyone else is getting visuals centering around me

(actual conversation)


Any of a variety of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Especially Psilocybe species and Panaeolus species. They can be either eaten or smoked and the shroomer usually beings to 'trip out', seeing things, hearing things, feeling things. It's a very interestng way to explore your mind and discover your inner most self.

Danny and Billy bought some shrooms from Tom, the hippie down the street.

See blair


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