
What is Shug?


short for sugar, used to address young women in a playful manner.

1."hey shug, what's goin down tonight? you rollin' with your other birds?"

2."i just got freaky with my shug.."

See shorty, boo, bird, sugar, broad


The combination of a handshake and a hug. Such a greeting may begin as a handshake and midway be promoted to a one-handed hug, while the other hand is still grasping the other person's.

"She offered her hand to shake, and I decided to give her a shug."

See hug, shake, handshake, greeting, shugging


a person who is many things i.e. douchebag, idiot, dumbass, loser, "baller", gangsta (but not really one). it can b anything used as a replacement word for jus about anything you call someone.

dude, that guy is a such a fuckin shug.

See douche, idiot, ass, dumb, fucker


Found in border towns, and Mexican beach towns. Shug means to get a Shower and a Tug.

I didn't sleep with any hookers in Mexico, I just got a shug.

For his 18th birthday I bought him a shug.

See handjob, handy, jerk, tug


To "accidently" grab a large section of pubic hair while giving a hand job, to the point of drawing blood.

Man I was shugged so bad last night I was limping for two days

See pube, hand job, wank, tug, shugging


Phonetic pronunciation of acronym "SHG", or "shaved head and goatee". The reactionary 'non-conformist' male look for the 90s that carries over to today in which, ironically, everyone looks exactly like each other. Backwards baseball cap and ear stud remain optional.

Girl 1: How was the singles night?

Girl 2: Nothing but shugs.


A cross between shagging and hugging. Also known as dry humping, shugging involves a vigorous rubbing of male and female (or male and male, or female and female) genitalia for the purpose of sexual pleasure.

Darren took Angela to Pizza Hut for a romantic meal. Afterwards they went home for a shug

See shugging, shugs, shagging


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