What is Shut Down?
To get rejected, declined, especially when your hopes are up.
I asked out this guy but he shut me down. Fuck him.
To be shut down is similar to being burnt (see 'burn'). This occurs when the first party is keen to do something, but the second party does not want to do it with that person, so they 'shut them down'. More often than not this happens involving trying to pick up with people of the opposite sex.
Greg: "Hey sweety, will you go out with me"
Laura: "I'd really like to, but I don't think we can"
.... Greg just got SHUT DOWN!
When you try to make a good call on someone but end up looking like a tool yourself, have your comeback destryed. To try and make yourself look cool by putting someone down but then they make you look like a tool.
"Hey idot watch out for the car fag!"
"Its parked you stupid nob"
2 "Your an idot"
"Your the one that glued your nob to a vending machine"
to be pissed up
to get drunk
fuck me i was shut down last night