
What is Shwug?


A word used to describe people of african background, similar to mool.

That shwug used to be a slave.

See dunny


A person of African descent.

"Help! That shwug just stole my car!"

"The big shwug that hangs out by the liquor store on Martin Luther King sells the bomb shit."

"There sure are a lot of shwugs in the U.S. penal system."

See african, american, black, negro, shwoog, caucasian, white, shug, african-american


An unfortnutate event or thought. Word that describes a shitty situation.

"Thats shwug, my sack is a gram short"

"Shwug, I have to work late"

See shitty, beat, sucks, unfortunate, lame


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