
What is Shyam?


To Shyam; successfully masturbate 56 times in a 24-hour period.

"hey, whatcha doin?" Response: "SHYAMIIIIN":

See shyam, masturbate, sham, shom, masterbate


One of the names of Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna.

Shyamsundara is also one of the names of the Lord.

See krishna, mohan


Shyam is another word for saying god.

I believe in god=I believe in Shyam.


an extreme level of bliss; pleasure at its highest.

After I finished my 8 page science project, I pranced outside to my lawn chair in the sun, closed my eyes, and experienced the ancient Chinese calmness known as Shyam.

See shyam, bliss, pleasure, qi, chinese, science, project


this pimp kid at Lenape High School

That kid Shyam has like 10 girls all over him whenever I see him.


the nicest, sexiest, most lovable guy alive, who kathryn loves like woa to the max with all of her heart.

could be a playa easily if he wanted- jou kno, str8 thuggin, spendin g's. Wit all that pimp juice, he has no trubs gettin' the ladies. shyam brings the heat.

shyamie, i want to love you forever times infinity, and damn, boi, you are so fineeee.

See Kat


Shyam : Its slang for complete wankstain . Bwaha

HAha your a Shyam

See stain, wank, shyam, sham


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