
What is Shyamalaned?


a situation that ends up involving ghosts, robots, aliens or other random elements and possibly a plot twist.

dude a: "I am glad we have been fighting reverse werwolf vampires at this seemingly innocent roller rink in the year 3000."

dude b: "yeah all that advice from my dead uncle really came in handy during the time traveling portion of our adventures."

dude a: "i am a ghost and i have herpes. you just got shyamalaned!!!"

See shyamalan, m, night, shyamalaned, ghosts, robots, aliens, monster


When things appear to be going fine, then take a terrible turn for the worst. Based off of the style of writing/directing of filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan, a proponent of twist endings.

Dude, I was about to hook it up with this hot girlie, but then it turned out she was a dude. There were a lot of signs that suggested she was a dude, but I overlooked them; in hindsight it all makes sense. I just got Shyamalaned.

See shyamalan, sike, sike-a-like, trick, play, use, clues


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