
What is Shylock?


Shylock was a character in one of Shakespear's plays (The Merchant of Venice). He was a Jewish usurer, so saying that a person is a Shylock means he's a loan shark.

You really shouldn't mess with the guys down on 57th, they're real shylocks and the interest rates will kill you.

See Isis


Another term for a Mafia loan money collector. Personified by the character Chili Palmer from the "Get Shorty" and "Be Cool" novels and films.

You're a shylock, aren't you?

See Stormin


Zipper, fly. As a security feature for your 'shy bits'. True to its Shakespearean origins (the Merchant of Venice)it also holds a pound of flesh.

Your Shylock's undone - there's your pound of flesh LOL.

See fly, zipper, cock, pants, shakespeare, flesh, sex, open


jewish mystic, or gypsy

that shylock stole my watch

See andrew


The curly ear locks that male Hasidic Jews have... pejorative of course... and not to be confused with the oddly similar and equally stylish chelseahair-do.

Moishe shaved off his isro, leaving only the shylocks.

See isro, chelsea, yarmulke, pejorative


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