
What is Shyte?


Olde English word for "poopie."

Humpledink: Mary, what's that on ye face?

Mary: Hmm? What ever do ye mean?

Humpledink: Right there! Aside ye nose.

Mary: Oh yes, this...hmm...pudding perhaps. Yes?

Humpledink: Mary...wait...tis...TIS SHYTE!


See shite.

Spelling for the common Irish pronunciation of the word.


Variant of shit, as how it was said in old English.

Ye olde stabble boy spend ye time on cleaning ye horses' shyte.


a cancer stick, spliff, jointor other smokable object.

Let's go smoke some shyte mang.

Got any shyte?

I could really go for some shyte right about now.

See butts, ciggies, fags, grass, backy, wacky-tabacky


Excrement which is too shy to leave the anus of a person at their desire time.

I was on the toilet for half an hour, waiting to get rid of a shyte, but it just wouldn't budge.

See shit, toilet, bog, piss, toilet paper, fuck


A shyte is a measure of information - usually on a computer. One shyte equals one byte. A shyte is used to measure corrupt data, bad programming and rubbish on the internet.

A spam message might contain 5 kiloshytes (KS), a virus-infected file attachment could be 1.5 megashytes (MS) in size, a bad sector on a hard disk might take up 3 megashytes. Something measured in gigashytes (GS)can be left to the imagination.


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