
What is Siamak?


a slang term meaning "to reek of shit" or to be a "stanky hoe butt"

"that bum on the corner was straight up Siamak"

" I loved an unclean woman once and her cooch was Siamak something fierce"

See stinky, cooch, rotten, disgusting, unholy, Dave Lombardo


A common persian name. A hero in shahname, a famous persian literature.

Also, known as a man of high smacking qualities.

Slang: new age siamak's are well known hacker smackers

A hot girl walks by...

Siamak: girl come here let me smack that ass.

Girl: Get lost smacker.

In farsi:

Jigare khoshgel rad mishe...

Siamak: jigar biya inja, bezaname dar koonet.

Jigar: Boro gomsho martikeye kotaki.

See siamak, smacker, hacker, persian, hero, smacking, hacking


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