
What is Sica?


A derogatory word used to describe Asians who cannot speak English properly. Originated in Las Vegas, NV when all the slanted eyed bastards in the sportsbooks could not pronounce the number 6, instead calling it "sic"

Look at all those sicas taking pictures and eating eggrolls!!

See asians, chinese, japanese, philippino, gook


Suicidal Incompetent Cocksucking Asshole

Man Chris Sica of Brewster, NY is such a SICA.

See sica, chris, asshole, new york, moron


Word originated in the Cibao area in the Dominican Republic meaning fecal matter; shit

Mira tu cara de sica: Hey, you! shitface.

See sica, mierda, mojon, pupu


the hottest, sexiest coolest girl on earth

hey sica, sup?

See jessica


word used to describe someone of asian backround...this word originated in the las vegas sports book...

lou the sica over there would like to take the jet over sic points.

See sic, sucka


by far the most extraordinary girl on earth-sexy, smart, nice

hey sica, sup?

See jessica


This crazy chick that rips it on a freebord. She was the Rider of the Year in '05.

Sica is down to ride the steepest hills.

See freebord, freebording, snowboarding, snowboard, downhill


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