Sick Little Monkey

What is Sick Little Monkey?


What Ren called Stimpy when he was angry at him sometimes, can also be used when someone does something sneaky or disgusting.

I can't believe you tried to steal that from me!!

...You sick little monkey!!!

See cartoon, monkey, sick, sneaky, disgusting


A very disturbed, and or deranged person. Normally they babble, or speak in tongues/pig-latin

Wow, that hobo is on sick little monkey!


A man who relies on his ability to seem sensitive and cry on demand to get laid.


kind and sensitive scottish bloke who deservedly gets loads more shags then dan. Broke my heart when he maet Rachel.


a fat scottish twat that balls his eyes out at the drop of a hat, pathetically snivelling to himself , in the hope that someone will feel sorry for him and maybe shag him out of sympathy

that sick little monkey is beefing again.


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