Sick N Twisted

What is Sick N Twisted?


This word describes a wide range of people. All of whom do not mix well with upper societey.

Examples include, but are not limited to,; fans of dead baby jokes, Hitler/Jewish jokes, people who enjoy S&M, and basicly everyone who enjoys things out of the norm.

Famous examples include

Marlyin Manson

Ozzy Ousborne



Michael Jackson


I am NOT comaring these artist musically. Honestly I'm a big fan of a few of them. Please do not leave nasty comments saying bad thins about any one artist. I'm mearly stating that these are ALL people that the avrage person would consider a little bit unusual.

Anyone who dangles babies from rooftops, or bites the heads of bats is a lil bit sick n twisted.

See evil, goth, sick, messed up, dead baby jokes, penguins


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