Sick Nasty

What is Sick Nasty?


Sick Nasty is not merely sick nor just nasty, it exceeds all expectations of awesomeness and creates its own arena of wild. Sick Nasty is pure awesome in its truest form.

Holy crap man that pie is SICK NASTY.

See sick, nasty, awesome, sweet, wicked


To be of ultimate awe and sweetness.

Godly and omniscient.

Way too cool for you.

Word used to relate all awesomeness in this planet and correlate it to Pyke.

Dude, your car is so sick nasty, I'd f**k it through the tail pipe.

One Dude-"Damn she is so fine gangsta."

Other Dude- "No man, she sick nasty!"

"Wow that goal was sick nasty!"

See sick nasty, ultimate, awesome, crazy


Reeaally dope. Something is just really fucking cool.

"The purse I got is sick nasty!!"

"Yo dat blunt was sick nasty!"

See blunt, sick, nasty, cool, awesome


a complement on how cool something or somenone is

random person; you look really sick nasty with that boy

See sick, nasty, cool, awsome, rad


Sick nasty is used to describe a situation, person, or thing so disgusting and gross that it deserves to be called both sick and nasty. Sick nasty can be used in almost all context, I mean what isn't sick nasty?

(orgin the celtic swim '06-07 team)

Wow that shirt is really sick nasty. I just wanted to gouge my eyes out today when I saw Brett because he is so sick nasty. etc

See sick, nasty, sick nasty, gross, healthy, disgusting, swimming, celtic


hardcore, amazing, off the chain, tight, rowdy

Man Pirates bar was sick nasty huh Zach? yea fool it was off the chain

See tight, amazing, off the chain, hardcore, rowdy


Something that looks sick as in ugly and smells nasty

ewww that belt is sick nasty.

See digusting, gross, nasty, sick, ugly


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