
What is Sickest?


adj meaning cool awesome the best

That was the sickest party ever yo.


Superlative meaning the best ever. Often used in tandem with "ever," as in "sickest ever."

Idiomatic expression or interjection indicating greatness, or any supremely positive expression. Used without another word.

During an extremely psychedelic jam session by a hippie band, various members of the audience might yell, "Sickest!" After the show they will call their friends who didn't make it to the concert to tell them they missed "the sickest ever set tonight, dude!"

See sick, awesome, dope, amazing


You are out of control,wild,crazy,dumb

goin outside undecent....Yu da sickest for dat....anything funny,crazy or unordinary..deserves to be called da's a sick nigga

See sickest, sick, wild, dumb, outta control


gay,fag,dusch bag, kid that u cant stand because he so fuckin annoying.

your just the fuckin sickest kid.

See gay, fag, sick


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