Sicology Ist/s

What is Sicology Ist/s?


a term used for scientology - scientologists - dianeticians - dianetics - a thoroughly foul debased sickness. But please remember THEY ARE NOT A CULT - THEY DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MANIPULATE / BRAIN WASH / HYPNOTISE potentials and remember they ARE DEFINATELY NOT A CULT - one cannot not stress that more THEY ARE'NT NOT A CULT got it!

Look at that sad ass sicology (ist/s) trying to get that girl to take a pseudo / psychological personality test - you know what I'd feel really bad if they ever picked on me for one of those tests because it proves their trainings alerted them to some form of perceived psychological vulnerability they've been trained to notice about me as a person - as a individual.How sick is that!

See religion, cult, scientology, scientologist


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