
What is Siddiqui?



When one says he or she would like to engage in some sort of leisure activity with another, then retreating from the previous statement usually because he or she needs to do something else that has to do with one's race, ethnicity, or religion.

Steve: Hey man let's hang tonight, can you do anything?

Mugeeb: Yeah for sure.

3 hours later...

Mugeeb(to Steve): Hey man, I can't do anything, my Indian parents are making me study for the upcoming final next year.

Mugeeb pulled a siddiqui.

See bail, ditch, lose, forget, hang


(n.) Sid-ee-key

a potent, homemade alcohol; predominant in the Arabian penninsula. Siddiqui (also called "sid", "white", or "brown") has the properties of being 190+ proof and will often provide consumers abilites in loud and obnoxious behavior, projectile vomiting, evasion of inept security forces, and a perceived hightening of opinion.

The quality of siddiqui is based on how many times the liquid has been run through the homemade distillery. 4 and 5 run siddiqui is choice, while 1-3 run is classified as extremely dangerous and ought to only be consumed while under the supervision of a shaman-like proprieter; (see Rock-on).

also see moonshine; everclear

"The O'brien's had some killer siddiqui last night. I had eight brown and cokes and don't even have a hangover!"

"Mike had some crappy sid last night. It was 2 run and still had yeast sediment in it. That bastard needs to talk to Putnam."

"Sid and I are in love."


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