Sidney Crosby

What is Sidney Crosby?


A very good hockey player for the Pittsburgh Penguins. As a teenager, his skills are compared to those of Wayne Gretzky. Sidney Crosby is a generational player whose skill is only seen every 15-20 years.

Wayne Gretzky: If there is anyone who can break my records, it is Sidney Crosby

See pittsburgh penguins, pittsburgh, hockey, amazing, wayne gretzky


The pussiest hockey player in the NHL. Horrible at hockey and the Pittsburg Penguins suck ass also. Has no talent and is a weak faggot. Isn't the best hockey player in the NHL, Alexander Ovechkin is

Wow, did you see the refs all over Sidney Crosby? Probably because he is too pussy to stick up for himself

See pussy, gay, faggot, sucks


Sidney Crosby is used as another name for the clitoris (the most sensitive part of the vagina).

"Don't be a Sidney Crosby..." or "That's the biggest Crosby I have ever seen!"

See pussy, pink, roast beef, muff


One of, if not the best hockey player in the world. Not only does he have an unbelievable amount of skill, he is also one of the hardest working players in the NHL. Many people do not respect his remarkable skill and accomplishments because of perceived "whining", yet they fail to realize that appealing to the officials is a smart hockey move and is practiced by many if not all players in the league. In fact, show me a player that doesn't protest a questionable call and I'll show you a player that doesn't care. People just bitch about Crosby because they hate that he is the future of hockey, and is marketed as such. These people are morons.

Besides, Gretzky loves this kid. And you aren't going to disagree with Gretzky on a hockey matter and win.

Wow, did you just see Sidney Crosby deke through two Flyers and score a goal? He deserves all the hype he gets!

See sidney crosby, pittsburgh penguins, hockey, nhl, amazing, 87


The gayest little girl to ever play hockey. One of the most pathetic playoff beards in the history of the game. Got his ass handed to him by chris osgood and the detroit red wings in the 2008 stanley cup finals. A product of the new NHL and is afraid of being hit. Often times crys on the ice after being hit/ being owned by the red wings. Likes men.

1. (n) Sidney Crosby tried to score but he tripped on his puddle of tears and fell to the ice.

2. (adj) Did you see that little 5 year old kid who was crying and shouting for his mommy, he is so sidney crosby.

See sidney crosby, gay, little girl, supergay, immature, little bitch


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