Sieg Heil

What is Sieg Heil?


The German-English translation means "hail victory". The Nazi meaning is "we will win" or "we salute the highest".

"Sieg heil mein fuhrer", said the Nazi to Hitler.


In the American vernacular, often used to draw attention to the authoritarian aspect of someone's comment, particularly when beyond the scope of of the speaker's authority.

Comment by mailing list particpant: Whoever is doing this anonymously is just trying to...hurt someone. Stop now.

Response: Sieg heil!

See hitler, nazi, authoritarianism, fascism


victory salvation

find a nazi

See waffle


resembling a fascist rally. Where the people cheer at every stupid thing the speaker says.

I went to see Senator Krupt at the campus grounds and the crowd just obediently stared, waved their hands in the air and cheered at every fucking thing he said. They were eating it all up. The atmosphere was so sieg heil.

See demagogue, pompous ass, sheep, stupid


an expression said from stupid people to even more fucked in the ass guys. usually nazis

The same as the greeting Heil Hitler

Nazis: Heil Hitler, mein Führer!!

Hitler: Sieg Heil! Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten.

Nazis: Heil Hitler, mein Führer!!

Hitler: Es ist Zeit zu säubern!!

Nazis: Heil Hitler, mein Führer!!


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