
What is Silk?


a delicous brand of soy milk

"hey craigster, didn't you know milk has pus in it"

'no ben, that's disgusting. but what am i going to have with my cookies, poptarts, and cereal???'

"Try SILK brand soy milk" hahahaha


an alternative to the colloquial use of the word 'sick', used as a positive, like an alternative for wicked, greatetc. to describe something as very good, or of a high standard, or to express great admiration.

Did you see the match last night? It was silk!

See silk, sick, good, wicked



(Medical sutures, for closing a wound.)

"I got shanked up," I sez.

"Better get some silk on that," doc sez.

See shanked, shank, doc, stitches, wound, Master Control


pot weed marijuana ganja

Ey yo man you got any silk.

See pot, weed, ganja, green, mary jane


to chill or hang out

we were silking it at Andrew's place when the po' rolled up, and we had to dip.


Smooth as Ice and Deadly with a Zark.

The Silky One!


1. To pee

"If you mess with me i'll SILK on your head"

I am gonna silk my pants!!


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