Silk City

What is Silk City?


Paterson, NJ (also called the Silk City or P-town), is one of the roughest places to live. The city was the first industrial city in the country, and the main production item was silk (nicknamed the silk city). Now, that age has come to an end and the city is a poverty-stricken wasteland. The city's residents are mainly Hispanic and Black. Paterson has a very high crime rate and is a very dangerous place. It is a very corrupt city, covered in graffiti, and has drug dealers on every street corner. P-town is a nickname given to it by its younger residents. Paterson has a population of about 150,000 and is currently the third largest city in the state of New Jersey. It is located in Passaic County and is the county seat. And above all, the city is not welcome to rich wiggers wanting thier little taste of the ghetto, so if you're not originally from Paterson don't go there (especially if you're white, but no other races are excluded). AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!

The city of Paterson, NJ (a.k.a. The Silk City) is one of the most vicious ghettos in the United States.

See p-town, paterson, new jersey, ghetto


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