
What is Silks?


Some fine (expensive) clothes. Term was popularized by members of Duke Ellington's Band -- the Duke being a stickler for well dressed musicians.

Those silks look good, man. What they set you back?

See duke ellington, clothing, suits, fashion, grooming


"Silks," or "the silks," is a slang term used to describe an item of great worth--typically dropped from a "boss" in an RPG video game.

The term originates from "The Silks of the Victor," the unique Ancient Plate from Blizzard's masterpiece Diablo II. Legend holds that this item could only be dropped from Diablo himself, but only few mortal men have had the mettle to challenge and defeat the beast.

In some circles, this term has been expanded to describe items acquired in real life.

"OMFGWTFBBQ, Diablo dropped teh silks!! ROFLCOPTER I NEED THOSE!!11!one!!"


short for silk boxers

check out my new silks

See silk, boxers, guys, sexy, hott


AKA tall flags & flag twirlers. a unit of a marching band that uses flags for field shows & parades.

The Silks are really good doing that complex routine for this year's field show.

See flags, marching band, halftime


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