Silly Sally

What is Silly Sally?


Said when you are telling a person that they are being goofy. Stiffler says it in American Wedding.

Stiffler Said: "No i dide'nt you silly sally"


This is a name or title given to a confused individual in conversation. This name is often given by an individual who is informed and knowledgeable of the subject to an individual who misinformed or ignorant of the subject. Silly Sally is often used in replacement of dumbass.

Jason says, "Hey guys, you want to go to a bar and have a beer?" Jason's friend replies, "Jason, you Silly Sally, your only 16. You can't even get into a bar."


(noun) a person who acts goofy / high

people obsessed with slangdefine are silly sallys

*cough* jen too *cough*


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