Silver Back Nigger

What is Silver Back Nigger?


usually the leader of a the pack. Most of the time can be distinguished by the bald head extreme musculature and gorilla like appearance.

Drake: hey Mr can you please give me the time ?

Silver Back: yo what ya asking foo' don't make me shank ya!

Drake: What ? I'm was just asking for the time

Silver back: What language iz ya speaking son. dont jive ta me in bangladesh or some illegal sheeit jive ta me in english all ye damn hood ratz..

Drake: Wtf ?

Silver Back: * making gorilla sounds* garrrrr uga uga rarara ooog eek

Drake: Stupid silver back nigger !!

See nigger, black, negro, negroid, shit, monkey, gorilla, silverback, silver, back, niglet, racist, stupid, iq, race, dumb, animal, beast


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