Silver Bullet

What is Silver Bullet?


A nickname once given to Coors Light, because of its silver can

Grab me a silver bullet while youre up


and magic bullet

a specific, fail-safe solution to a problem(from the notion that a bullet made of silver is necessary to kill a werewolf)

I would not call his plan a silver bullet, but anything is better than nothing.


Oval shaped, female sex toy with a radio control variable speed setting.

My girlfriend used her "silver bullet last night. Hence I was cockblocked by a toy.


Having a large silver thermometer stuck in your rectum after being a heat casualty...dont at USMC boot camp

Ralston passed out and took the silver bullet


a suppository, specifically a glycerin suppository produced by either Fleet or Dulcolax. The silver bullet is approximately two inches long and cone shaped. The constipant should insert the silver bullet in his/her rectum with the flat side out.

Rufus: I can't poop.

Rufus' Mom: Lemme get a silver bullet.

Rufus: No silver bullet!

See suppository, constipated, enema, laxative


The art of smoking hash or honey oil off tin foil by first making sure to burn the foil then putting oil on the foil taking a rolled up bill or pen tube and inhaling the smoke as you light underneath the foil where the oil is located this is also the stoner version of chasing the dragon.

Hey you fag get the foil I just made some honey oil lets do some silver bullets

See silver bullet, oil, hash


1. Nickname given to a can of Coorsor Coors Lite, because of its long, silver can.

2. The only thing that can kill a werewolf.

The werewolf was vanquished after he shotgunned a silver bullet

See Jake


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