Silver Dollar

What is Silver Dollar?


A silver dollar refers to an unusually large areola on a woman. As big as a silver dollar.

I knew Jamie had huge cans, but when she took her shirt off she also had silver dollars.


1. A male or female who is extremely attractive and is off the charts when it comes to a rank of 1-10; One who is sexy, beautiful, and intelligent and can cause stares wherever they go

2. one who has an exorbitant amount of sex appeal

That girl is fine as hell; Now that's a silver dollar: beauty, brains, breast and booty!


a coin worth fifty cents.

A hooters waitress once said, "A silver dollar is worht fifty cents."

See silver, dollar


an extremely fat chick... opposite of an attractive girl called a "dime"

"Dude... that girl weighs 350 Pounds"

"What a silver dollar"

See dime, fat, shamoo, hot, sexy, babe, whale


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