Silver Scale

What is Silver Scale?


Modern technique to rate the attractiveness of females (or males). Developed at UCSB ( Isla Vista) to evaluate females, named in honor of the key developer. This new rating system replaces the old and commonly used “1 to 10” scale, to use a new “-10 to 10” scale. An assessment of zero marks the female as attractive enough for sex, even if you are fully sober Each negative number indicates and represents the number of double-shots of liquor (or two beers) it would take to make the female “attractive enough” to have sex with. Positive numbers are reserved for truly hot individuals, with a 5 approximating true “model quality” and 8-9 being reserved for the hottest people alive. This system is ideal to begin, and identify the party breeding pool at the beginning of the night- to assess how much one MUST drink.

-Adjustments of +1 or +2 points given for such specialties as; fake boobs, lesbian tendency, scandalousness, MILF, etc.

Guy #1: “dude, that girl is totally a -3”

Guy #2: “naw, I’d say -4”

Guy #1: “yeah, but she is you ex’s best friend, that is worth at least one adjustment on the Silver Scale”

Guy #2: “TRUE, lets each take 6 shots of vodka, and see who is the lucky guy tonight!”

See 1-10, sex, girls, party


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