What is Silverman?
Biggest jew in the universe
Wow, Max is such a silverman
The act of being a dousche, ass kissing, black shirt wearing, head set wanting, way to much description in arctics note taking and eating way to much California Tortilla...which in time has helped developed mboobs.
You're such a "silverman"
That's so "silverman"
Don't be a "silverman"
A friend who starts being gay as soon as he/she starts dating or gets into a new relationship; a person that uses public displays of affection in excess of 3 unnecesssary acts per hour.
**an allusion to Saving Silverman**
"nah id rather not hang out with Todd and Elisa right now they are still being silvermans"
"i used to hang out with Ike a lot but once he met Crystal he became a silverman big time"