
What is Sim?


A person encompassing all the traits of perfection. When obstacles present themselves a Sim just keeps on givener.

That girl Seema is gonna be one heck of a Sim one of these days.

See sim, seema, perfection, aspire, keeps-on-givener


A way to say "Best"

"Your one of the Sim" or "Your the Sim"

See best, great, sick, champ, sucks


(v) To play the computer game, Sims 2. Most often used in the gerundive form, as in "Happy Simming!"

Simming is the way I spend all my free time these days.


Sim is another word used for sex in many parts of the world..

Husband: Want to have sim tonight honey?

Wife: No thanks i had sim with your brother yesterday... Woops

See sex, fuck, sexxx, fuckk, oomph


Short for Singapore Institute of Management. Somewhat-major school in Singapore that deals with business-related courses. Has two campuses.

To get to SIM I need to take MRT to Clementi and hop on bus 154!


Short for 'simulator'. As used in the online virtual reality software, 'Second Life'. Each 512 square meter area is controlled by a computer called a sim.

Too many particles or textures will make the sim lag.

Hey, get out of my sim!

See second life, simulator, controller, prim


SIM acronym for "Sex in the Mouth"

"Eating that chocolate was like SIM"

See yummy, tasty, savory, satisfaction


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