
What is Simi?


HOT SKANK. she is mysterious and exotic and leavees all the boys wanting it. shes a pro at throwin stuff in da airr but can hit da books too. shes every boyss fantasy grl and knows how to get a guy going. shes a pro at everything she does. in definition she is everything a guy needss but shes an undercover grl and you woudnt know unless you got to know her. shes rare and if she gives you a chanace consider it a blessing.

If only i could get with simi i would know what it is to really live.

See sex, gorgeous, exotic, mysterious, friendly


HOT SKANK. she is mysterious and exotic and leavees all the boys wanting it. shes a pro at throwin stuff in da airr but can hit da books too. shes every boyss fantasy grl and knows how to get a guy going. shes a pro at everything she does. in definition she is everything a guy needss but shes an undercover grl and you woudnt know unless you got to know her. shes rare and if she gives you a chanace consider it a blessing.

If only i could get with simi i would know what it is to really live.

See orgasmic, beauty, goddess, gorgeous, sex


someone who is weird on many different levels, smokes tons of weed, is often confused, doesn't believe in haircuts or any form of "unnatural grooming", mumbles incoherently, and can often be spotted outside your local 7-11...just sitting.

shit that simi needs to lay off the ganja and get a haircut


the sexiest bitch in the world

"wow have u seen that chick"- guy 1

"yeah..shes simi"-guy2

"shes fineee"-guy3

See hot, amazing, simi, sexy, minx


Indian for "boring as shit".


Bro 1: Hey, let's go down to Simi Valley for some skate.

Bro 2: Simi Valley!? That place is boring as shit!


Me in Science class: Dammit! This class is fucking SIMI!!

See simi valley, boring, lame, bummer, drag


deriv. 'SimiSpeaks'

1. an irritating noob who is on an eternal ego-trip.

2. a noob who is blind to the fact he is a noob.

3. a controlling, power-hungry noob with an IQ of -1.

4. a loud-mouth noob that thinks he knows everything.

Did you see how user00 was acting? What a simi bastard!

Stop being such a simi and stfu already!

See noob, annoying, stupid, moron, fag, gay, lame, idiot, newb, simi, dumbass


A boss or manager who repeatedly changes schedules two days after theyre posted, then doesnt call to tell you that you dont have to wake up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning because you dont have to work.

Co-worker 1: Hey, I thought you had to work today.

Co-worker 2: I did, but Simi changed the schedule again and didnt tell me.

See boss, manager, schedule, work, change


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