Simi Valley

What is Simi Valley?


A very very small town in California close to Thousand Oaks. Simi Valley is located in Southern California. It's probably a place you've never heard of. And if you did that's why your reading this defenition.

Simi Valley is the place where the fun NEVER ends............becuase it never got started.


Simi Valley is NOT small, nor a town, as most defeinitions on here has described it. With a population of over 100,000 people, it hardy fits either category.

Simi Valley is a very safe town with low crime rates. It is a generally Conservative city in a liberal Southern California. Simi Valley has its share of morons, as shown by the people who have added incorrect definitions of their own city.

Idiot: I live in the small town of Simi Valley

Intelligent guy: Small town? What small town has 5 high schools (Simi, Royal, Santa Su, Apllo, Monte Vista), a mall, a town center, a Wall*Mart, and 4 McDonalds?

Idiot: .... I dunno

See city, simi, valley, idiot, moron


Lowest crime rate in the U.S. and teens and people in 20's think their hard shit. Never been out of Simi Valley and think that its ghetto. Wankstas. They leave Simi Valley and get shot cause they dont know how to act. All teenagers in the town will drive to a certain place just to see a fight cause they are pussies and the cops will try to bust teenager fights cause their job has no excitement.

That beaner actin like a G left Simi the other day. He got shot for actin hard in the valley.


A very very small town in California close to Thousand Oaks. Simi Valley is located in Southern California.

She lives in Simi Valley


referring to the location in Southern California of the residence of privelaged white male supremists and teenagers that have nothing better to do than make druggie friends and take it up to pass tthe time away

lets go to the regal, nevermind, that would be so Simi Valley


A small upscale enclave located in eastern Ventura County. Most of the McMansions and wealth are located in the the hills. Simi Valley is bordered by Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, and the San Fernanado Valley. Simi Valley is often refered to to as "Snob Valley" since most of the people here are plastic and the parent give their kids an AMEX at 8 yrs old. Simi Valley is best know for its ranking among the top 10 Safest Cities in America.

Where do you live "Snob Valley" I mean Simi Valley where else whould i live.

See upscale, suburb, valley, amex, plastic


Small town in Southern California, that is supposed to be "the safest place", sure, if you like tons of teenage druggies, violent teenage guys, and white supremests.

"I'm on LSD, meth, crack... and other stuff."

"Where do you live?"

"Oh, um Simi Valley."

See Kaboom


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