
What is Similac?


1. A popular brand of baby formula containing viatmins and nutrients that newborns need for nutrition.

2. What sucka mc's who are much younger and less mature drink while being influenced by a better, older, and wiser rapper.

1. "John, will you pick up some similac for Emily at the store on your way home?"

2. "That nigga AZ tried to say that I deserve a platinum plaque; I was selling tapes out the trunk of my car when he was runnin' around drinkin' similac." - E-40

See similac, rap, hiphop, slang, dis


a popular temporary tattoo that is placed on the shaft of the penis, sold in dark bars and clubs in the southwest, typically Arizona, used to solicit glory hole fellatio in crowded bathrooms where the providers have runny makeup and face piercings

It was Razor 80s night at the club so i decided to put my black shirt on and try and find a similac dealer.

See glory hole, promiscuous, goth, new wave, piercings


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