Simon Healey

What is Simon Healey?


n., adj.

Pronounced: (Com-plete-ly Ug-ly)

1. Simon Healey in general is the epitome of ugly.

2. The name of something which its mother is a chicken, and father is a lizard.

3. (In reference to #2.) If you were to bread a chicken and a lizard, they would give birth to a Simon Healey.

4. When you look into a mirror and it shatters, but then the shattered pieces shatter.

5. Often used when naming an oversized scaley chickenman of complete uglyness.

6. A descriptive word used when rating how much a person failed their license test.

1. "That kid is Simon Healey."

2. "Have you seen Simon Healey's parents? His mother is a chicken and his dad is a lizard."

3. "Wow, the chicken just laid a Simon Healey! What a shit science experiment.."

4. When he looked into the mirror, I swear, he looked like Simon Healey, and you know what happened to the mirror then."

5. "I call this scaley chickenman of epic ugly... Simon Healey!"

6. "I failed my License test 2 times, I must be Simon Healey. *looks in mirror* Oh no! I'm ugly."

See simon, healey, ugly, chicken, lizard, unloved, sloth


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