
What is Simona?


Simone is a female given name derived from Simon, Hebrew Simeon, meaning "one who hears". It first appears in Iberia from the 10th century, as Jimena, Ximena, feminine eponym of Jimeno (Simeon) II of Pamplona, founder of the Jiménez dynasty. Simone itself is the French spelling.

Simone - pronounced see-MAW-ne - is also the Italian spelling of the male given name, Simon; the Italian feminine form is Simona.

Modernly, it is a female name quite used in Portuguese, both in the South-American and in the European variants.

In Romania the feminine form Simona is widely spread whereas the masculine Simon is very rare.

one who hearssimonasee-maw-ne

See simon, simona, simone, european, nuff said


A usually not smart person who worries about speed and is a meany butt! and likes to say RIIIGGGHHHTTTT tooo much! she is not funny and is a verry WEIRD PERSON soooooo weird you could DIE she also likes to sacrifice her brother she wants to push him out of her car. SHE HAS A CRAZY FAMILY including her cousin Gabriella who likes to eat glabjamin WAYYYY 2 MUCH! She also has crazy sisters mostly alina and humna but rahema and rohma are cute

EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW dont be a Simona she is soooooo weird

See strange, crazy


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