
What is Simonique?


1.a black girl who carries a bag of grapes and steals from asians

2. a girl who thinks some peoples logic is not logical

3. verb to steal from asians

1. Kristine: Hey Gab, do you have grapes on you?

Gab: no, but i heard Simonique stole some from an asian girl in math

2. Kristine: 1+1=2 but 2+2 doesn't.

Simonique: WHAT?!? your logic is not logical. Give me those grapes!

Gab: whoa, did i just hear a Simonique?

3. Kareina: Hey asians, can i have some of your rice?

Kristine and Gab: Please! Don't Simonique us!

See grapes, sim, gabbie, kristine, kea, asians, math, rice


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