
What is Simping?


v. to simp. Tricking, groveling, or basically just letting females walk all over you for no apparent reason other than your own bitch-made-ness.

Johnny met Sue. Sue likes Johnny. Johnny fell in love with the poon. Sue tried to put the smack down. Instead of regulating, Johnny started being a simp and takes her out to fancy dinners and what not.

*Johnny is begging Sue to take him back whilst his boys are waiting in the cypher* Homeboy James says, "God damn it Johnny! Stop simping and hit the bleez already you simp-a-ho!"


Sympathetic Pimping. When you make your significant other do something for you out of sympathy to your pathetic ass.

PIMPING - Bitch pick that shit up right now!

SIMPING - Baby can you please pick that up? No? well i guess i have to get up and bend over to pick it up..even though my back hurts =thanks for picking it up for me babe.

See pimping, simpin, pathetic, relationships


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