
What is Simpleton?


A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.

Go to school, you freewheeling simpleton!


Picked up from a black and white movie,another term for a fool.Dub for a person that is known to or is about to do a stupid thing generally used sarcastically.

"Yeah, thats a really smart thing to do you f***ing Simpleton."


A being of great unintelligence, always there to ruin your plans.

You simpletons get off my lawn mower!


a foolish person with lack of intelligence, common sense, and street smarts

michelle everest, simpleton

See stupid, paranoid, dumb


Any individual who has an intelligence below yours. Usually used to described bums, uncomplicated and simple individuals, along with a great majority of the female population.

Why are these simpletons unable to understand non complex ideas such as me being better than them?

See simps, idiots, lames, commoners


A fictional town inhabited by simple-minded people with a simple minded Mayor.

Art is the Mayor of Simpleton.


Fictional town of simple minded folk presided over by teh Mayor of Simpleton, teh simplest of them all.

"Arty is the Mayor of Simplton."


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