
What is Simrat?


Its a punjabi word which mean Remember, remembrance and it also means continuous meditation.

'Har simrat teri jaaye balaaye.'

Meditate on Har(i) {God}, your pains, dukhs, anguishes, {what ails you}will go away

See simran, sim


drop dead gorgeous, clever and model like. Names means meditation and well respected. Simrat also origins from the lotus flower as in meditation. Others are very envious.People cant bear simrat.

ugh i hate simrat shes sooo fucken pretty.

See bear, meditation, lotus, clever


A ugly beast that shows off or says that they are good at basket-ball altough they are not. Also said to be someone who is very stupid and has low education.

That kid is very simrat like.

See dumb, ugly, smelly, bad, idiot


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