
What is Sincerious?


A combination of sincere and serious. The realest of real.Handling yours and being unabatable or unstoppable. On top seeing nobody above you.

Kanye West's tracks and lyrics is so sincerious. Menh he aint playing bout making his paper he sincerious wit it. 10/20/05

See real talk, sincere, serious, boughie


Having genuine sincerity (Comes from "serious" and "sincere") (Created by rapper Mos Def)

I told her I was sincerious in my apology.

See serious, real, genuine, humble, sincere


Being sincere and serious at the same time.

Jimmy: Yeah, RIGHHHTT.

Tom: No, I'm being sincerious.

See sincerious, serious, sincere, facebook, forrealz


The combination of Sincere and Serious.

Dawg, I'm so sincerious. That shirt is hot.

See sincere, serious, sincerious, seriously


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