
What is Sinda?


1. A cut-up roommate

2. Someone who changes your facebook status when you're in class

3. A huge NASCAR fan who makes up wierd sayings such as,

"If it broke, don't fix it"

"Patience comes to those who wait"

"I can't have any uninvited, uninteruptions, I'm watching the race"

"Quit playin on my computer, you're wrecking my stats"

4. Switches butt pads on dorm chairs

5. A college dude who has a hot sister still in high school

+Dude, I got a Sinda living with me.

-Where the heck is Sinda?

+He's out doin' his thing.

-Oh, gotcha

+Dude, did you see Sinda's sister!

-Ya man! She was up here with her parents visiting him this weekend

+Sinda, why the heck would you pull into a full service gas station and not tip the guy?

-It was Dan's fault, I thought he was going into McDonalds.

+Okay Sinda

See sinda, cut-up, roommate, college, dude


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