
What is Sindler?


looks like ben afflect....the only cool jew i know!

hes a jew but hes hot, now thats one in a million!



see: felcher

see: fluffer

That guy is a Sindler, make sure he washes his hands before he makes your sandwich.


ones who coolness cannot be measured

OMG that kid is a sindler watch out.


sindler be yourself man your a cool kid 1 on 1 but you just gotta be yourself your awsome man

ben = my gangsta fo life


follower who got a 300 7' surf board and only surfed for 11 minutes (like the loser he is)

u pulled a sindler man, u gotta surf some more

See bro man


raging alcoholic who punches hands through walls for girls

yo, chill she's not worth it, you dont wanna look like a sindler

See sindler, laxer, asshole, freak


cleptomaniac. enough said.

stay away from that cleptomaniac, he stole my sole inserts in my shoes.


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