
What is Sing?


(v.) To use one's vocal chords to make musical tones.

What most tv talent show contestants cannot do very well.

You're a lousy singer.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


to rat on someone, or to report on them, usually to the police

Leave the singin' to Sinatra you fuckin canary!


N. V. Sexually Inappropriate but Not Gay.

for instances when two people of the same sex, who are close friends, make advancements upon each other, with no intention of following through.

(this is completely different to hetroflexibleor an actual sexual preference)

- a good time for awkward turtle, sexual tention jellyfish or tmi turkey moments.

Jackie and Anne were dirty dancing and holding each other, but laughing hysterically

Sam: oh, they are totally SINGing right now!

Jess: oh defs.

See sexual, inappropriate, gay, sing, hetroflexible, awkward, turtle


To program for a long time without error.

I was singing all night...


Ghetto Warfare. Called sing because of the sound of sirens of the corrupt police departments.


The SING was a blood bath.

I'ma SING up all over that a$$.

See gang, ghetto, war, slang, northside, t-unit


to masturbate

i love to sing in the shower


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