Singles Market Day

What is Singles Market Day?


Valentines day, not everyone celebrates valentines day because they might not be in a relationship or thinking about being in one. Dont worry, help is here. It is called Singles Market day. This day is to be celebrated the day after valentines. Simply because there will be tons of people being dumped on valentines or just before valentines. How do we celebrate it, you ask. Simple, we do what we like because we're single. Flirt with who you like and if you're lucky enough, fuck who you like. Now lets celebrate.

Bob: damn, i hate valentines day.

Dave: forget valentines day, its all about singles market day Bob.

Bob: singles market day??

Dave: yep, its where you live the life of a single man/woman in that day. so go flirt and fuck any chick you like my friend.

Bob: sweet, why didnt anyone tell me this before ha.

See singles, day, valentines, celebrate


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