
What is Singular?


someone who is on their own. they are simply one, and will never be fully completed by someone else. they like to be alone most of the time, and get irritated easily by other people. they enjoy the company of the opposite sex, but mostly for pleasure and conversation.

if someone calls you on the phone or messages you, and says something like this: "i was just wondering if you wanted to come chill for a bit.. just you& me ? .. maybe watch a movie or something ?".. that means they are deifnitely a singular. they also might add on a .."no strings attached".

See single, boys, girls, alone, sex


A tiny centipede that lives in damp, wooden environments, possibly gay. Only one "singular" exists in the world, with a life span of seventy five thousand years. It lives in some shit country like Brazil.

"There is a singular on my newly woven gown of the night." Said Princess Nanny-Teets, whilst stabbing ALL the children.


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