
What is Sinister?


Evil ; relentless, corrupt.

being sinister is the only way of life


Derrick Tribbett otherwise known as Sinister is from Daisy De La Hoya's show Daisy of Love. He lives in a house with many guys, one his best friend named Chi Chi. Who he later tells Daisy to send home.

Sinister's hot.

and a rockstar(:

Person #1: Whose that guy with the tattoos from Daisy of Love?

Person #2: SINISTER!!!

See sinister, daisy, love, derrick


Sinister means evil. It comes from the Italian word sinistra, meaning left. When children reached for something with their left hand it was hit, as left handedness was considered to be a sign of the devil. Of course, this didn't happen much outside of Italy.

You sinister child!

See Kung-Fu Jesus


A freeridemountain bike company who build frames for agressive riding.

I ride a Sinister mountain bike frame.

See frame, high quality, mountain bike, freeride


Super awesome, mega rad Death Metal band from Holland. Famous among fans of this underground genre for such albums as "Cross the Stix", "Diabolical Summonings", and their most successful "Hate" which was realeased at the hight of the Death Metal movement in 1995. Also worth mentioning is "Bastard Saints" an exeptionally well done EP. Their sound was characterized by a mostly "old school" American Death sound despite their geographic origins: Ripping fast, complicated guitar riffing and tempo changes, lead by blast beats and rolling double kicks from the drums and punctuated by rasping, gutteral, but amazingly decipherable vocals. Like many Metal bands Sinister was plauged with member changes nearly every album. Sinister is still around today, lead by founding member Aad Kloosterwaard, but is still most memorable for their "Hate" album era when the sound was "just right" whereas much of the Death Metal created after this period was/is charaterized by bands simply trying to outdo each other with progressively more and more down-tuned guitars and vocals etc. Thats not to say there wasnt/are some kick-ass Death metal bands after that period but you definitly have to filter through alot of crap to find it.

Holy crap! Sinister freakin shreds ass! Their album "Hate" influenced musicians clear accross the globe. How come no one creates music like THIS any more?!!

See metal, death metal, holland, shred


perceived evil usually caused by THC-induced paranoia.

True noun form: sinisterity

"The sinisterity is appalling."

"yo that car looks real sinister."

"shut up you're just torched... KEITH!"


What a Democrat is if you speak Italian or Latin

Democrats are truly *sinister* politicians!


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