
What is Siouxn?


1. Another spelling for 'soon'

2. Usage can also be more versatile

1a. See you siouxn

1b. I'm on my way and will arrive at your party siouxn

2a. If you don't get off my lawn I'll be siouxn you

2b. I tore my jeans and I need them siouxn

2c. The chips are gone; Siouxn ow what should we munch?

See fresh, new, kewl, badass, native american, indian



Another spelling for 'soon' playing off the Native American tribe name "Sioux" which is pronounced: sü (like sue)

See you siouxn

I'm on my way and will arrive at your party siouxn

See native american, soon, indian, sioux


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