
What is Sipster?


a sipster is an older brother or sister of a hipster; women and men in their 30's who generally listen to indie rock, hang out in coffee shops, shop at the thrift stores and talk about things like books, music, films and art with a wealth of life experiences; a confident, bawdy and bold woman in her 30's.

That woman with the perfectly groomed nails, holding a cigarette and pint of insert name of microbrew here is a sipster.

See hipster, cougar, chick, cool, microbrew, cigarettes, beer, intellectual, sophisticated, chic, modern, art, film, coffee, wine, urban, sex, elitist, liberal, democrat, indie, emo, rock, punk, smart, funny, witty, snarky, harrypotter, darkknight, cynical, snarcastic


A hipster that also struggles with alcoholism.

I thought that girl was just a hipster, but the way she was pounding that drank made me realize she was an actual sipster. yikes.

See alchie, hipster, lame, scene, slut


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