Sir Loin

What is Sir Loin?


Perhaps the best rap artist of all time. Sings the hit single "For The Shorty's". Is in fact a cow who sings in order to accomplish a brilliant scheme that will eventually help him pay for his rented patio furniture which he broke because he is a fat cow.

Damn, have you heard that awesome new song from Sir Loin?


the second form of the character MC Peepants(from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) who was once a six-foot tall spider bent on drilling a hole into hell. Now hes a cow with the same Bling and shower cap only now he sent by satan as a cow. Also now he must find a way to pay off hie rented patio furniture. But this time he is just sent to the slaughterhouse to die. quite hilarious.

Is Sir Loin coming back or have we seen the last of this high pitch voice character?


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