
What is Sire?


To father a child, usually unintentionally.

"Shit, I should have wrapped it up on Spring Break... I can't believe I sired a kid!!!"

See condom, birth control, protection, rubber, raincoat


Old tyme'y way of referring to a king or lord. Usually used now to sarcastically refer to somebody with an inflated ego.

JCB: ...maybe so, but I'm still putting my equations in the abstract paper.

Ian: Aye aye, sire.


Vampire term.

One's Sire is the Vampire that turned them. A new kind of parent for them, to teach them the new ways of the world.

Can be male or female and work in the same sense as human lineage.

So the Sire of your Sire, would be your Grand-Sire.

Vampire Wannabe: That dude over there is my Sire.

Human: o.O Stop saying words....

See sire, vampire, vampirism


anyone who works behind the counter of a fast food resteraunt. like when you're at mcdonalds ordering a shake at 12am because you don't want your mom to know, and you don't have a boyfriend or maybe you do, so you kind of flirt with the guy behind the counter or the drive through when he tells you how much you owe him by calling him that name. and then you use that name instead of everyone you know's names because it never gets old.

you're one heck of a Sire!

See mcdonalds, fast food, milkshake, syre, siree


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