
What is Siren?


a mythical creature that's female and lures men to their deaths with their beatiful singing voices...props to odysseus ;)

The siren enchanted Tom, then bashed his brains in and ate them.


temptress, extremely sensual

Whoa!! Dude check out that siren!!


A very attractive female who has many boys drooling over her.

That siren has got every single guy in the damn school!


1. What you run away from when you know the fedsare after you.

2. A really hot, dime-piece, tempting seductress.

1. Oh shit, drive faster!! I can hear the sirens!

2. Damn, look at that girl! What a siren!

See police, hot, feds, dancer, stripper


A hyper-melodic manipulatrix.

"When she (the siren)’s saying that she wants only me

Then I wonder why she (the siren) sleeps with my friends."

See siren, temptress, sailors, scream, death


A hyper-melodic manipulatrix.

"When she (the siren)’s saying that she wants only me

Then I wonder why she (the siren) sleeps with my friends."

See siren, temptress, sailors, scream, death


A loud noise, thus meaning people can therefore, hear it so they don't die.

Pat Lapiene didn't hear the siren.


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